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Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Unsung Hero

Today is Mother's Day. This day is a celebration of the woman that gave me life. Everyone has their stories be it good or bad. I was raised in a very close knitted family. We were taught to stand beside each other no matter what came our way. That was the definition of family in my house and my parents lead by example and Mom was the tie that kept us all together. 

Dad played his role as well; he was old school, he provided for us and he did it without complaint. As a child we were poor, I never realized the struggle they had to feed 4 kids because back then, I never wanted for anything. They taught me values, responsibility and how to appreciate what we had instead of always wanting something more. We were as dysfunctional as the next family but we made our dysfunction work for us. The 6 of us were tight, we had each others back and genuinely enjoyed each others company. 

My Father was a military man and was gone often but Mom never missed a beat and when we saw him it made the time together all the more special. As a child I admired my Father so much, he was my hero, he could do no wrong in my eyes and over the years that has never changed. But I did not learn to appreciate my Mother until my adulthood. It was kind of like, she was always there, I was always happy and satisfied, but I took her for granted because I never had any needs, because they were always met. 

I was a head strong rebellious teen and my Mom and I's personalities clashed like the Titans. Maybe we were too much alike, but whatever the reason, as an adult I used to apologize to her jokingly for being such a pain in the ass. But she loved me unconditionally and I did not learn to appreciate that until I was older. 

We lost my Mom 7 years ago. It was a day that rocked me to the core and I have never been the same person since. I know she knew I loved her, and I always felt loved by her. The pain of that sort of loss never goes away, in time it does feel different but I miss her as much today as the day she went to her new home

She had a strength that was incomparable to anything or anyone and she loved her family above herself and never let us see her sweat. I am who I am because of who she was and who she will always be. I am my Mother's daughter and I hold my head high with a proud heart. I can only hope to be half the woman she is; I was never blessed with a child of my own but I pray that I may have an impact on someone's life the way she impacted mine. I cannot be me with out her, Happy Mother's Day, Mommy. I love you with all my heart.

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